Contact Us
401 East 4th Street Bldg. #8
5th Floor
Bridgeport, PA 19405
610-270-0825 (phone)
610-270-0826 (fax)
Contact Sherman & Gosweiler
Directions to Sherman & Gosweiler in Bridgeport Business Park
Turn into the entrance of the Bridgeport Business Park (opposite Hurst Street). Continue past Bld'g. Directory and follow driveway to the right to Bld'g. #8. Look for visitor parking and maroon awning; "entrance to Bld'g. 8" ahead and to the right. Enter through glass doors and ring for passenger elevator.
(Park in general parking area if no visitor parking is available near entrance). Elevator operator is on from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, please call us to bring the elevator down if you are visiting at other times.